Beautiful Nri Girl Blowjob
I was sucking on her big nipple, as she moaned in my left ear. Faster! Faster! she moaned. I could now feel her soft skin on my hard abs. I looked down to see my cock buried deep inside her. Brenda!!! What the??? said a male voice. I turned my head to see a small guy standing a few feet from the lounge chair. Hi! Honey! said Brenda. I stopped fucking Mrs. Sheets. I kept my cock deep inside her. I kept sucking her big breast. What is the meaning of this? he said. Jimmy! Becky brought some of her friends over. One thing led to another. He was all sweaty. You know how I am around sweaty boys. said Brenda. Is he going to stop? Hes fucking you again. I can see his big cock moving inside you. said Mr. Sheets. Oh god! He is so big and tall. You know how I love tall men. Forget about me. Go see what Becky, is doing. She in the house with a boy. He suppose to be using a phone to call for a tow job. said Brenda. Just then I felt a huge surge of excitement. I started to cum deep inside Brenda.. They react instantly.Then I run my oily fingers around them, very slowly and as lightly as I can.I tease the very tips of your nipples with my fingernails.Your nipples are like bullets now.My cock is very hard now.I start oiling with my fingers outside your pubic hair line. The sides and around the top of it.You are watching in the mirror.I want to heighten your pleasure so I put a pillow under your arse and open your legs wide.Then I touch your vagina lips for the first time.As softly as I can I run one oily finger down the full length of your vagina. I find your clit and it reacts.I press one thumb into your pubic hair just above your clit.Then I slowly tease your vagina lips with one finger of my other hand.Ever so slowly I increase the pressure and tempo with just one finger inside your lips.“I want to pleasure you sweetheart.“I live to pleasure you.”I stand in front of you and put your legs over my shoulders.My finger is alternating between teasing the outside of your vagina lips.
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